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Defenition of the word accreditation

    • Defenition of the word accreditation

      • Procedure by which an authoritative body gives formal recognition that a body or person is competent to carry out specific tasks. (Source OAS)
      • (in education) Recognition and approval of the academic standards of an educational institution by some external, impartial body of high public esteem.
      • the act of certifying that an educational institution maintains suitable standards; "a commission is responsible for the accreditation of medical schools"
      • the act of granting credit or recognition (especially with respect to educational institution that maintains suitable standards); "a commission is responsible for the accreditation of medical schools"
      • the act of granting credit or recognition (especially with respect to educational institution that maintains suitable standards)

    Synonyms for the word accreditation

      • authorization
      • certification
      • endorsement
      • official approval
      • official recognition

    Similar words in the accreditation

      • accreditation
      • accreditation's

    Hypernyms for the word accreditation

      • certification
      • enfranchisement

    See other words