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Defenition of the word allegretto

    • Defenition of the word allegretto

      • A direction in musical notation indicating that the musical piece should be played rather fast and lively.
      • (of tempo) faster than allegro
      • a quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro
      • (music) in a moderately quick tempo; "play this more allegretto"
      • in a moderately quick tempo; "play this more allegretto"
      • a musical composition or musical passage to be performed at a somewhat quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro
      • in a moderately quick tempo

    Similar words in the allegretto

      • fast

    Hypernyms for the word allegretto

      • composition
      • musical composition
      • musical passage
      • opus
      • pacing
      • passage
      • piece
      • piece of music
      • tempo

    See other words