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Defenition of the word english hawthorn

    • Defenition of the word english hawthorn

      • European hawthorn having deeply cleft leaves and bright red fruits; widely cultivated in many varieties and often grown as impenetrable hedges; established as an escape in eastern North America
      • thorny Eurasian shrub of small tree having dense clusters of white to scarlet flowers followed by deep red berries; established as an escape in eastern North America

    Synonyms for the word english hawthorn

      • Crataegus laevigata
      • Crataegus monogyna
      • Crataegus oxycantha
      • English hawthorn
      • may
      • whitethorn

    Meronymys for the word english hawthorn

      • Crataegus
      • genus Crataegus

    Hypernyms for the word english hawthorn

      • haw
      • hawthorn

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